Self-cleaning acoustic ventilation boxes.
Low profile in-line centrifugal fans.
Low-flow single-phase helicals 200 to 400 mm. Flow rates up to 3000 m3 / h.
Helicoidal large diameter 800 to 1250 mm. Flow rates up to 41000 m3 / h.
Helicoidal medium flow. Helix "scjke" and external rotor motor 250 to 710 mm. Flow rates up to 17000 m3 / h.
Extraventilated tubular helicals. 630 to 1250 mm. Flow rates up to 140000 m3 / h.
Axial boxes 630 to 1250 mm. Flow rates up to 120000 m3 / h.
Tubular helicals 500 to 1250 mm. Flow rates up to 130000 m3 / h.
Extra-ventilated helicoids 400 to 600 mm. Flow rates up to 12800 m3 / h.
Tubular portable 315 to 630 mm. Flow rates up to 16500 m3 / h.
Helicoidal portable 350 to 450 mm. Flow rates up to 8100 m3 / h.
Centrifugal monophasic. Flow rates up to 2000 m3 / h. Pressures up to 16000 m3 / h.
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